Voters Deserve To Know How Pansing Brooks Would Vote
Norfolk, NE – Today, Congressman Mike Flood rejected abortion-on-demand extremism by voting against House Democrats' "Abortion On Demand Until Birth Act." This radical legislation would allow the abortion of unborn children for any reason (including on the basis of sex, race, or disability) up until the moment of birth and eliminate state regulation of the abortion industry.
"Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are working to eliminate decades of commonsense restrictions that protect the health and safety of women, minors, and unborn children," said Flood. "Late-term abortion bans, parental notification requirements, conscience protections for medical professionals—Pelosi and Patty Pansing Brooks would undo it all. My opponent owes 1st Congressional District voters the truth about her position on this barbaric bill."
The Abortion On Demand Until Birth Act, misleadingly referred to by Democrats as the "Women's Health Protection Act," would override pro-life laws and prohibit states from enacting restrictions and regulations on abortionists. The bill would: